
"Everyday confirms my belief of the inconsistency of all human characters."
~Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice 

People are constantly talking; the fact of the matter is a lot of the time that is not necessarily a good thing. Absentmindedly we judge people constantly, not realizing that this is the problem with us all. When a person walks by us at school, on the streets or even flashes across the television screen, in that split second an opinion is formed. Without thinking of people's former experiences we assume and jump to lousy conclusions.

What doesn't cross consciousness is that each and every person experiences new things from day to day. Each individual has experienced some sort of heartbreak, the rejoicing of new life, a heart-warming smile and feeling completely and utterly destroyed. Having been in all of these experiences it's recognizable why we act the way we do. Sometimes we are a little crazy and act on impulse. Sometimes we are all completely cowardly and can't own up to things. Sometimes we just feel like helping someone out for no apparent reason. We fail to realize that it's not just us. Chances are the person next to you experienced something ten times more morbid than what you have. The judgements we pass on impulse are completely unlawful in this sense, we all have our reasons for everything we do. In each action we had a justification, though it may not have been in everyones best interest, at the end of the day we all tried to do what would make us happy. We all strive to be happy and the catty judgements people pass on each other can completely diminish the happiness we hope for.

Despite people’s sexual orientation, racial background, religion and financial status we are all deserve to be treated equally. What we perceive to be isn't always what seems to be. Very much so, the passing of a rude judgment, especially when you don't know someone’s motives and background is always ignorant. Truth is the world is full of people who are going to treat you in ways that are unexplainably unpleasant. Its up to us all to not let negative judgments impact us even when they are mind numbingly hurtful. We can all try to be less judging and think more open-mindedly. The world isn't going to change over night, but one person at a time is a start.


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