Awkwardness and Leaps of Faith

“Why not rise from the grave and terrorize a little instead of staying buried and dead in the cemetery?” 
~Daniel Handler, Why We Broke Up

We all hate awkwardness, but never realize the barriers we put up because of it. There are so many wasted opportunities because of fear. Nothing holds us back more than these feelings. We create awkwardness. Whether we know it or not, things are only awkward because we make them that way. Everything we do is awkward but it is up to us to determine what we allow to be seen in that light.

I can name countless times I’ve allowed awkwardness prevent me from doing things. At the end of the day though, it is not worth it. We need to learn how to take leaps of faith and do things extraordinary. It is a new year and though many people say that they are going to change, they don't realize what they are saying. We don't need to change. We need to take risks and better ourselves as people; learn courage and fearlessness. There is no such thing as awkward, awkward is an illusion we create in order to have an excuse not to do something. At the end of the day though, we hold things in the palms of our hands and can make masterpieces. The world is your canvas, darling. 

So furthermore, please take a leap of faith this year. Be inspirational, be daring, be charming, be completely and utterly totally awkward. Do what you want to do. Be completely fearless. Awkwardness is just an excuse to cheat us out of quite possibly something unimaginably perfect. 


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