Beginnings and Endings

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities."   
~John Green, The Fault in Our Stars

           Whether we chose to acknowledge it or not, every day is a start and finish to something. Some starts and finishes are just that, the morning and the night, but some are the dawn of a new era... or just the ending of the first semester. That being said what’s great about this time is the change that is about to be put into motion. New classes, new classmates, different teachers and no stress about the subjects crammed for last week. Endings can be dreadful, where as beginnings can be beautiful, or the exact opposite.

I’d like to say I’m sad for this moment but I’m quite intrigued by it. It is an ending but it is a beginning. Right now is an end to all the long nights filled with tea and contemplating life and now comes a start to longer nights and wondering what the hell I could’ve possibly thinking before.  Not only is semester two going to bring a lot of studying and continuing to strive at the ambition in my heart but also I hope it to be more than that.

There is so much I want to leave behind. As I get older I’ve learned that sometimes it’s better not to make a fuss about things and just deal with things quietly or not at all.  Endings don’t need to be completely horrendous. Closing this chapter means opening a new one.  Goodbye to my metaphoric contradiction, I continued to call you an angel, though ironically it was just that you were not. You were my devil. This is a new time, a new era for me and I want it filled with passion, good music, magical people and some good old comic relief every now and again. Everyone deserves a happy ending, we make our own fairytales and we are completely entitled to live them out.

Hope everyone does great on their exams. Welcome to a new beginning. 


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