Illusions and The Holy Grail

"If living isn't seeking for the grail it may be a damned amusing game"
~ F.Scott Fitzgerald, This Side of Paradise

Naturally as humans, we are in constant pursuit of something. This concept seemed to fascinate Fitzgerald as he makes the allusion in more than one of his novels to the Holy Grail. The Holy Grail is something that we all chase; our great desires. But the real question the Holy Grail attainable or are we all chasing illusions?

It is an interesting thing to think about, we continue to commit ourselves to the chase of something that very well may be unattainable. This being said I wonder to myself if am I chasing things that are all an elaborate manifestation of the mind. Maybe emotion is something we as humans created in order to feel like we have humanity and superiority over all other species. The chase of these emotions I presume is what makes us so proactive in seeking the Holy Grail. At the end of the day though, you either win or you lose. The grail may very well be attainable. The grail also very well be unattainable or a manifestation.

Maybe the Holy Grail doesn't want to be chased. Stop running. Surrender and you'll get exactly what you want.


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