
Showing posts from January, 2014


"Everyday confirms my belief of the inconsistency of all human characters." ~Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice  People are constantly talking; the fact of the matter is a lot of the time that is not necessarily a good thing. Absentmindedly we judge people constantly, not realizing that this is the problem with us all. When a person walks by us at school, on the streets or even flashes across the television screen, in that split second an opinion is formed. Without thinking of people's former experiences we assume and jump to lousy conclusions. What doesn't cross consciousness is that each and every person experiences new things from day to day. Each individual has experienced some sort of heartbreak, the rejoicing of new life, a heart-warming smile and feeling completely and utterly destroyed. Having been in all of these experiences it's recognizable why we act the way we do. Sometimes we are a little crazy and act on impulse. Sometimes we are a

Beginnings and Endings

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities."     ~John Green, The Fault in Our Stars             Whether we chose to acknowledge it or not, every day is a start and finish to something.   Some starts and finishes are just that, the morning and the night, but some are the dawn of a new era... or just the ending of the first semester. That being said what’s great about this time is the change that is about to be put into motion. New classes, new classmates, different teachers and no stress about the subjects crammed for last week. Endings can be dreadful, where as beginnings can be beautiful, or the exact opposite. I’d like to say I’m sad for this moment but I’m quite intrigued by it. It is an ending but it is a beginning. Right now is an end to all the long nights filled with tea and contemplating life and now comes a start to longer nights and wondering what the hell I could’ve possibly thinking before.   Not only is semester two going to bring a lot of stud

Illusions and The Holy Grail

"If living isn't seeking for the grail it may be a damned amusing game" ~ F.Scott Fitzgerald, This Side of Paradise Naturally as humans, we are in constant pursuit of something. This concept seemed to fascinate Fitzgerald as he makes the allusion in more than one of his novels to the Holy Grail. The Holy Grail is something that we all chase; our great desires. But the real question the Holy Grail attainable or are we all chasing illusions? It is an interesting thing to think about, we continue to commit ourselves to the chase of something that very well may be unattainable. This being said I wonder to myself if am I chasing things that are all an elaborate manifestation of the mind. Maybe emotion is something we as humans created in order to feel like we have humanity and superiority over all other species. The chase of these emotions I presume is what makes us so proactive in seeking the Holy Grail. At the end of the day though, you either win or you lose.


There are 31,565,000 seconds in every year.  Each second is ours to shape reality. It is true—timing is everything. Before we act we need to remember that there is a time for each word, moment and emotion. The problem with finding the right time is waiting. Rushing into things can make everything go into shambles and that is crazy. I’m a strong believer that in time everything will turn out how it is supposed to be. Spending time dwelling on the things that make us tick is where we go wrong. We don’t always realize but there is so much good around us and bothering to waste valuable time on the downfalls of life is completely careless. I realized recently how fast time could fly. With second semester about to start, exams and course selections for next year it’s amazing we even find the time to breathe. I now know that high school can be the best years of your life if you let them. Spending these four years in turmoil or angst would be completely absurd; I’m glad


To the first three that read this one. "Best Friends?" "Always." ____________________________________________________________________________ Ivy by Nicole Lambe The wind in her hair was invigorating. It made her feel alive again. “Julian, you have to be kidding me.” “Get in the car,” he stated sternly. “I refuse.” “Get in the car, dammit. I will get out and drag you in here. You have been moping way too long. Lets go.” Ivy got into his car without another word. The streetlights were shining into the car as she watched him drive. She started noticing little things about him; the way his hair curled, the softness of his lips and the glimmer in his eyes even despite dim light. In that moment she saw just how incredibly beautiful he was. Her best friend was not just some boy, but he was quite remarkable in ways she never allowed her eyes to discover. Amongst her, as the street blew past them outside, was the one of few pe

The First Time

“Dear old world," she murmured, "you are very lovely, and I am glad to be alive in you."   ~Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables   The sun woke me up on a beautiful Sunday morning, just like any other. The birds sang while the wind blew calmly through the trees and my young self sat there in what still seems to me all the beauty in the world, with something that my young mind could not grasp at the time. It was passion and little did I know that in those very mornings would be the first time I felt the joy of passion blooming. I spent countless Sundays in the same manner. I would wake up, comb my hair and get dressed. Immediately after I would go to my little spot out on our deck, look out at the trees and the beauty I was amidst and then sit down on a chair and divulge myself to the first novel I can actually remember each time before going to mass. I cried when (*spoiler alert*) Matthew Cuthbert died and I was in love with Gilbert Blythe from the start.

Awkwardness and Leaps of Faith

“Why not rise from the grave and terrorize a little instead of staying buried and dead in the cemetery?”   ~Daniel Handler, Why We Broke Up We all hate awkwardness, but never realize the barriers we put up because of it. There are so many wasted opportunities because of fear. Nothing holds us back more than these feelings. We create awkwardness. Whether we know it or not, things are only awkward because we make them that way. Everything we do is awkward but it is up to us to determine what we allow to be seen in that light. I can name countless times I’ve allowed awkwardness prevent me from doing things. At the end of the day though, it is not worth it. We need to learn how to take leaps of faith and do things extraordinary. It is a new year and though many people say that they are going to change, they don't realize what they are saying. We don't need to change. We need to take risks and better ourselves as people; learn courage and fearlessness. There i