Passion and Motivation

“There could be few men whose love for a woman had been written on his face with a knife.”   
~Cornelia Funke, Inkspell

Living life with a wondrous passion is something that truly catches my attention. One of the loveliest things is seeing a person engulfed in their hopes about what they're passionate about. Everyone has some sort of passion whether they know it or not, and when they figure out what it is the world can be seen in a new light. 

I love seeing someone who has ambition and goals because it's what motivates us. When we have to do something we are passionate about, we don't just do it but we love doing it. You shouldn't waste your time on things that make you dread them. I guess that's something I've just learned lately. Passion doesn't just apply to art, jobs and sport. Passion applies to people, how they make you feel and how they act towards you. People need to show you their passion, give you passion and inspire you. Doing half a good job at being in your life doesn't cut it. 

The extraordinary truth is that there are a lot of people who can give you 100% and are motivated to be passionate with you, you might not notice them, but they are there. There are people who light up when they talk about their passions, dreams and love; they inspire me with the drive and excitement in their possesion. There are people who don't yet know it, but they'll find that beauty one day. 


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