
"The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function."~F. Scott Fitzgerald 

The power struggle amongst man has been extremely apparent throughout time. We strive, we lust, we desire and we are in constant search of control. We want control of our lives, of our emotions and deep in a devious corner...the world. It's a scary truth when you must to let the chips fall where they may. Frankly, fate could be a whole charade we have created as humankind. So why not take action? Why not take control?

The simple thing that is hard to accept is that even if fate may be non existent, we cannot control everything. We cannot manipulate the world necessarily into exactly what we want it to be and when we do it is just pure luck. Everyone can be a wildcard. We can even surprise ourselves sometimes. Even if we can get control of our actions, of our abilities, of what we say, we cannot always control how we feel. We're going to be upset that we can't change things. We're going to do some marvellous things and meet marvellous people. A lot of things are bound to be unexpected. So I guess that means we must go with the flow sometimes, let fate run its course and maybe even have a little fun while you're at it. Not everything is meant to be, have a purpose or make us happy.

You can't control everything, but its fun to try. 


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