In My Castle

Windows down, your hair is blowing lovely in the wind, despite the fact that it's a little cold outside you're having the time of your life. Singing at the top of your lungs with some people that you're positive are some of the most amazing one's you've ever met.

Life is all about these extraordinary little moments that we live through. There's times where you're going to feel at the top of the world and that is all dependent on the experiences you let yourself live through. It is also dependent on the people you surround yourself with. There's going to be nothing that makes you happier than feeling that wind while you're driving, watching the stars through the sun roof and dancing with your best friends. There's nothing more remarkable than the smiles when you're all high off of life. I'm so fortunate to know the people that I do. Nothing beats their happiness. 

Love you guys, always


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