
Showing posts from March, 2014


Here I sit, my hair lightly gusted around by the wind. My eyes are on the sky above, peering through the sun roof and my mind isn't on you or anything in particular. It's everywhere. Parts of me and my sanity are in various cities, in various arms, maybe even holding your hand. I don't know what I'm doing but I wonder who wants to know what I'm doing, whats on the mind of the girl whos heart belongs in a forrest, laying on a blanket, drinking an iced tea and scribbling down another poem about the smell of the moss at the side of the river. She's probably thinking about you and how you fascinate her like a book new from the book store. The pages are crisp and she can hear the spine crackle as she opens up to the first chapter and her mind is overcome by this amazing new experience. She's entering her new engulfment completely blind and it's terrifying her. Its also got her completely exhilerated. Or that's not on her mind and she wants to dance in

In My Castle

Windows down, your hair is blowing lovely in the wind, despite the fact that it's a little cold outside you're having the time of your life. Singing at the top of your lungs with some people that you're positive are some of the most amazing one's you've ever met. Life is all about these extraordinary little moments that we live through. There's times where you're going to feel at the top of the world and that is all dependent on the experiences you let yourself live through. It is also dependent on the people you surround yourself with. There's going to be nothing that makes you happier than feeling that wind while you're driving, watching the stars through the sun roof and dancing with your best friends. There's nothing more remarkable than the smiles when you're all high off of life. I'm so fortunate to know the people that I do. Nothing beats their happiness.  Love you guys, always

Old Journal Entry #2

"You're slipping away and it's time to stop pretending."


" The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function." ~F. Scott Fitzgerald   The power struggle amongst man has been extremely apparent throughout time. We strive, we lust, we desire and we are in constant search of control. We want control of our lives, of our emotions and deep in a devious corner...the world. It's a scary truth when you must to let the chips fall where they may. Frankly, fate could be a whole charade we have created as humankind. So why not take action? Why not take control? The simple thing that is hard to accept is that even if fate may be non existent, we cannot control everything. We cannot manipulate the world necessarily into exactly what we want it to be and when we do it is just pure luck. Everyone can be a wildcard. We can even surprise ourselves sometimes. Even if we can get control of our actions, of our abilities, of what we say, we cannot alw

Passion and Motivation

“There could be few men whose love for a woman had been written on his face with a knife.”      ~Cornelia Funke, Inkspell Living life with a wondrous passion is something that truly catches my attention. One of the loveliest things is seeing a person engulfed in their hopes about what they're passionate about. Everyone has some sort of passion whether they know it or not, and when they figure out what it is the world can be seen in a new light.  I love seeing someone who has ambition and goals because it's what motivates us. When we have to do something we are passionate about, we don't just do it but we love doing it. You shouldn't waste your time on things that make you dread them. I guess that's something I've just learned lately. Passion doesn't just apply to art, jobs and sport. Passion applies to people, how they make you feel and how they act towards you. People need to show you their passion, give you passion and inspire you. Do