Early Mornings and Christmas

There's something beautiful about waking up in the morning. Life's kinda like hey, it's bright outside, get up, be free. You get to see the love in that cup of coffee, smell the eggs cooking, the sun shining outside (or the rain pouring) and during this time of the year, if we are lucky, the wondrous snowfall. The morning is one of those lovely reminders that the world is full of unexpected beauties and we are truly blessed to see a new day, or if you're like my parents, you are first blessed with a cup of coffee to help you realize this.

This beauty of the morning though is so easily seen on Christmas. Since being a child waking up early with my little brother was a tradition. When we were younger, we'd both run into their room at the earliest time possible and jump on my parent's bed, urging them to come with us to open our gifts. Each year we continued this, not knowing the true joy we had brought them by our happiness in the gifts from "Santa."

But now, as the years have gone on, I see what makes them so happy. It's the look in their eyes when they open up the things we give them. It's love. Family is an unbreakable bond. I'm so happy to spend every early Christmas morning waking up to my mother, my brother and my father. The unexpected beauty of Christmas morning is the look in my mothers eyes when she sees the ring we bought her. The unexpected beauty of Christmas is the chuckle from my father as he sees us open the "joke gift." The unexpected beauty of Christmas is the smirk from my little brother when he see's the video game we got him.

The unexpected beauty of each and every early morning is the little things we find love in and our ability to find happiness in these small things.

This one's for you muse. Wake up earlier. Two thirty pm is too late. :)


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