
On a day to day basis I find that with many people there is a constant struggle for one thing: Confidence. The thing about confidence is it has the ability to make or break a person. With being confident you truly are way more attractive, not just to others but to yourself.

In order to be confident you have to believe in yourself and do what makes you happy. Nothing is going to make you more content with yourself than doing what you know is best for you. Whether it's wearing something that makes a statement (like Corina) or talking to the guys about sports (like Alessia) you need to be confident in what makes you, you. There is no happiness in confining yourself to a social norm that you do not believe in. There is nothing wrong with your individuality! The right people recognize this and they see the marvellously miraculous beauty it brings to a smile.

Being confident is one of the things that does not come easy. I always try to be as confident as I can about myself because truly there is rarely anything more admirable than knowing your perfections and imperfections and being completely content with them. With confidence comes the very fact that you need to be honest about your feelings for everything and know that the outcome may not always be what you please. Confidence and courage is knowing that not everything is going to turn out the way you want it to, but doing the thing you want to anyways.

 As cliché as it sounds, life is far too short to spend time pleasing the wishes of other people. Your flaws and imperfections are what make you who you are. The problem with us all, and even myself, is that we don't own up to them. We need to flaunt the things that aren't "perfect" because really, they are perfect. We are perfect. We are perfect how we are and that is something that the people who are important to us learn to love.

Dedication of the day:

This one's for Alessia and Corina (as I'm sure more will be to come)
I know I'm already extremely confident most of the time, but thank you guys for helping me be confident when I don't have the courage to be. You both are going to be phenomenal at what you want to do. Corina, your confidence about fashion and Alessia, your confidence about sports media is truly inspiring. You two are part of the reason I'm confident. You guys should be more confident in every thing you do because you're truly extravagant.


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