
Showing posts from 2013


Forewords from the Author: It took me quite some time to come up with the words to write a short story. Like the quote at the beginning of my blog, writing is bleeding. Like any good writer I try to write what I know, diving into former experiences and emotions in order to bring forth a story of some sort. So basically, these words took a lot out of me. That being said this is only one of my first few attempts at a story, four in the morning tears and tea by my side. Writing truly is bleeding. It's kind of short but here it is.                                                                                                                                                                          Relent by: Nicole Lambe The sun peaks through the trees and she decides to leave her stuff to clear her mind. She gets up, throwing her pen atop her book and begins to walk through the thick wood.  The ground is damp and her feet are crunching leaves. She longs

Moments and Attempted Spirituality

"Why darling, I don't live at all when I'm not with you."   ~ Ernest Hemingway , A Farewell to Arms Every year, every month, every week, every day, every hour and every single second is composed with little moments that we cling to because of the way they made our emotions run wild. Some moments leave us with an undeniable grin, some with a undesired lump in our throats. Particular moment's may make us feel like we're floating in an ocean of emotions. Moments are so incredibly significant because of the realizations we come to with each one we hold in our minds. Theres an indisputable beauty about the moment's that play a role in our hearts. The simple pleasures shared in a smile, the stomach ache from an uncontrollable laughter and the look in his eyes when you speak, all contribute to this whirlwind of beauty. Moments are such lovely things and I find myself hung up on them often, especially when they brought joy to my mind. All we really have is


On a day to day basis I find that with many people there is a constant struggle for one thing: Confidence. The thing about confidence is it has the ability to make or break a person. With being confident you truly are way more attractive, not just to others but to yourself. In order to be confident you have to believe in yourself and do what makes you happy. Nothing is going to make you more content with yourself than doing what you know is best for you. Whether it's wearing something that makes a statement (like Corina) or talking to the guys about sports (like Alessia) you need to be confident in what makes you, you. There is no happiness in confining yourself to a social norm that you do not believe in. There is nothing wrong with your individuality! The right people recognize this and they see the marvellously miraculous beauty it brings to a smile. Being confident is one of the things that does not come easy. I always try to be as confident as I can about myself because tr

Early Mornings and Christmas

There's something beautiful about waking up in the morning. Life's kinda like hey, it's bright outside, get up, be free. You get to see the love in that cup of coffee, smell the eggs cooking, the sun shining outside (or the rain pouring) and during this time of the year, if we are lucky, the wondrous snowfall. The morning is one of those lovely reminders that the world is full of unexpected beauties and we are truly blessed to see a new day, or if you're like my parents, you are first blessed with a cup of coffee to help you realize this. This beauty of the morning though is so easily seen on Christmas. Since being a child waking up early with my little brother was a tradition. When we were younger, we'd both run into their room at the earliest time possible and jump on my parent's bed, urging them to come with us to open our gifts. Each year we continued this, not knowing the true joy we had brought them by our happiness in the gifts from "Santa."

The Secret of the Human Mind

“A wonderful fact to reflect upon, that every human creature is constituted to be that profound secret and mystery to every other. A solemn consideration, when I enter a great city by night, that every one of those darkly clustered houses encloses its own secret; that every room in every one of them encloses its own secret; that every beating heart in the hundreds of thousands of breasts there, is, in some of its imaginings, a secret to the heart nearest it!” ~Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities I came across this quote during the summer, it fascinated me more than any other quote I've ever read. The truth about the human race is that we really could all be deceiving each other at this very moment. The mind is an unbreakable vault and we cannot truly ever know what is actually been allowed out of it; it may just be manifestations that come out of our mouths. I sit every day amongst people and I continuously try to guess what they are thinking, but I will never truly know an

Some words to start this blog...

In hopes that my work actually makes someone feel emotion I'm going to start posting things I write on here. Maybe who ever reads this will feel inspired, maybe they'll cry, maybe they'll be happy. Whoever you are, I hope you don't think I'm a complete recluse but this is the internet, I'm completely entitled to some good individuality. xo, Nicole Lambe