
Every year when thanksgiving rolls around we tend to give our appreciation to everything that we love and care about. This year, however, crossing my mind is a lot of things, good and bad that I am thankful for, and here's what I am thankful for:

To all the people that have done me wrong since this time last year, thank you. It is through people and situations likewise to you and your problems that help one grow, prosper and find motivation within to move forward. Without hardships there would never be happiness. Thank you for teaching me the truths behind friendship and loyalty; love and hate; worthiness and the importance of time. People like yourself are necessary in order for one another to develop thick skin and wisdom. So thank you for it all, every last second, giving knowledge is a true gift.

To my family, I don't even know where to start. Through every single moment of adolescence, I think we view our family (parents at least) as people who are trying to get us in trouble. They are so much more, I am so thankful for every single one of my family members. My brother, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins are my heart and soul. Thank you all for always being so supportive and loving, through thick and thin, you all are not only my family but my best friends. It would be an honour to grow up and be similar to even just one of you. You motivate my every word, action and thought. Thank you.

To my friends, and those who might not even think they mean what they do to me, you all are marvellous people. I didn't think I'd ever have as much of you on my side as I do, but here I am. In general, people take each other for granted a lot of the time, so we think; but I truly spend every moment thanking God that I was blessed with such supportive people. Through every waking moment, you have no obligation to me, but you chose to stand beside me. Thank you for showing me that love and kindness exists in different forms. Thank you for the loyalty and inspiration and the continuous passion you emit. You are beautiful, colourful, wondrous people who are going to make the world a better place. Thank you for all the love and laughs.

To my teachers, I've had my share of good and bad teachers but I think an angel must have picked the teachers I have this semester. I love to learn but never have I been so inspired to do good in the world, as well as in the classroom, than from these few individuals. I hope everyone gets to be touched by the wisdom and inspiration of these people.

To my junior football boys, win or lose, I have been so happy to be a part of this team. You little men are always so appreciative of everything that we do and of being able to play the game. No matter what the score, what the time and what you are getting out of the game, you guys always teach me something new. These past couple have games I have seen you all work your hardest and come so close to getting what you deserve. That right there is determination and heart. You all have the biggest hearts and it leaves no doubt in my mind that I will see you all doing great things. I am so thankful I get to witness these things and learn from you.

To Hemingway, Montgomery, Fitzgerald, Twain, Rowling, Handler and countless others, thank you for every beautiful word you have ever written. Your words are my rock, my inspiration, my every thought and dead or alive, every book I have read influences my ever growing writing style. Thank you for fuelling my passion.

To whomever is reading, thank you for reading my ramblings. I write for myself, mainly, but if I made you think then that makes me ten times more excited about what I've written. To influence and to inspire is a lovely thing and I am thankful that you take your time to hear my words.


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