
What we're in love with, the passion that sends chills down your spine, the soft whisper in your ear as you fall asleep, Eden. From the beginning of time, since our origin from Adam and Eve, man has been in pursuit of regaining access to Eden. This forbidden paradise though, is something that we don't realize is with us, every step of our day. 

There are little fragments of Eden that co-exist with our world. Your lovely smile, angelic words, intense devotion, the things that make you feel as if the world is right, Eden is around you. Countless others have referenced Eden as the things we love the most, and that is exactly what it is. What we love is our paradise. 

Don't ever let go of that love.
"Lest we lose our Edens" 

a spark of inspiration: 

A Woman's Last Words
by Robert Browning

Let's contend no more, Love,

Strive nor weep:

All be as before, Love,

---Only sleep!
What so wild as words are?

I and thou

In debate, as birds are,

Hawk on bough!
See the creature stalking

While we speak!

Hush and hide the talking,

Cheek on cheek!
What so false as truth is,

False to thee?

Where the serpent's tooth is

Shun the tree---
Where the apple reddens

Never pry---

Lest we lose our Edens,

Eve and I.
Be a god and hold me

With a charm!

Be a man and fold me

With thine arm!
Teach me, only teach, Love

As I ought

I will speak thy speech, Love,

Think thy thought---
Meet, if thou require it,

Both demands,

Laying flesh and spirit

In thy hands.
That shall be to-morrow

Not to-night:

I must bury sorrow

Out of sight:

---Must a little weep, Love,

(Foolish me!)

And so fall asleep, Love,

Loved by thee.


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