
Showing posts from October, 2014


I never took in the reality of loneliness because I've been lost in a sea of eyes, countless sweet remarks and an abundance of disappointments but it's okay to be alone, to lose yourself in your own eyes and learn how to make you happy, on your own. You've got to learn to love yourself so someone can love you. All things come in due time.


What we're in love with, the passion that sends chills down your spine, the soft whisper in your ear as you fall asleep, Eden. From the beginning of time, since our origin from Adam and Eve, man has been in pursuit of regaining access to Eden. This forbidden paradise though, is something that we don't realize is with us, every step of our day.  There are little fragments of Eden that co-exist with our world. Your lovely smile, angelic words, intense devotion, the things that make you feel as if the world is right, Eden is around you. Countless others have referenced Eden as the things we love the most, and that is exactly what it is. What we love is our paradise.  Don't ever let go of that love. "Lest we lose our Edens"  _________ a spark of inspiration:  A Woman's Last Words by Robert Browning Let's contend no more, Love,
 Strive nor weep:
 All be as before, Love, 
---Only sleep! What so wild as words are? 
I and thou


Every year when thanksgiving rolls around we tend to give our appreciation to everything that we love and care about. This year, however, crossing my mind is a lot of things, good and bad that I am thankful for, and here's what I am thankful for: To all the people that have done me wrong since this time last year, thank you. It is through people and situations likewise to you and your problems that help one grow, prosper and find motivation within to move forward. Without hardships there would never be happiness. Thank you for teaching me the truths behind friendship and loyalty; love and hate; worthiness and the importance of time. People like yourself are necessary in order for one another to develop thick skin and wisdom. So thank you for it all, every last second, giving knowledge is a true gift. To my family, I don't even know where to start. Through every single moment of adolescence, I think we view our family (parents at least) as people who are trying to get us in


In everything we say, do and think, we invest trust. We even trust that we can build trust with someone. It's completely frightening that we do that, but truly, it is inevitable.  Trust is something that takes a long time to build in any sort, whether it is with a friend, with someone we love or in some cases, both. Breaking the metaphoric glass is catastrophic. Trust is reliability and love and faith, and with time, I'm beginning to shrink the number of people who deserve trust. When you trust someone, you are giving them your all, not expecting betrayal or heartbreak but reliance, security and assurance. So, keep promises, listen when it's needed and be respectful...enable people to trust you.