Expecting and Realizing

“Love her, love her, love her! If she favours you, love her. If she wounds you, love her. If she tears your heart to pieces and as it gets older and stronger, it will tear deeper—love her, love her, love her!”  
~Charles Dickens, Great Expectations 

         One thing I hate to hear from people is their pleas for man to not have expectations. By doing so, there is a complete contradiction to our entire human nature. As beings, we are subjected to feel and preventing that makes us completely inhumane. We need expectations of people, this helps us divulge into the proper relationships we want in our lives. Expectations are in place to show one who can make them happy. When we expect less of people, we are still hurt when they meet those expectations and we rejoice when they are surpassed because that is what we really want from that person. We shouldn’t rely on other people necessarily but how can we even help that? Nobody wants to be alone and we need connections to each other to help us feel like we belong to something, maybe even in someone’s heart. We need expectations to keep in check the relationships we should hold near and the relationships we should sever.

            When our expectations aren’t being met we begin to realize that relationships aren’t all meant to last forever. Some friends and some loves are simply not worth the hassle of the charade. Surrounding yourself with bad vibes and insincere motifs is a crap way to live. We can't expect everyone to stay in our lives forever, but it is not unjust for us to hope for that. We should expect people to treat us properly and be completely loving and respectful. At the same time we should also expect people to be nuisances in our lives. Realizing where these different outcomes come into play can be difficult, but realizing someone is completely and utterly perfect in your life is a miracle. It's okay if someone isn't meant to stick around, we should expect better because in truth, that's what you deserve. 

I don't mean to necessarily do it but I expect different things from different people. I expect to be loved, admired and adored. I expect to be hated, envied and despised. Most of all, I expect to make an impact and to be surrounded by the people who mean most to me, whether I let them know the extent I love them to or not. I expect things because well, not thinking is quite difficult. Every day is full of expectations and realizing if the expectations were rightfully put in place. I expect so much of everyone in my life because my opinions of them are extremely high and I've realized they're all so incredibly opulent and destined for great things. 


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