
"All truly wicked things start from innocence" 
~Ernest Hemingway
I recently realized that a whole chunk of my blogs are extremely positive when in reality there is a lot more wrong than there is right. Knowing that majority of the time when you put your faith in someone they disappoint you, I want to scream to the heavens and say why?

Truth is though a lot of people are going to kick you, punch you, hurt you, hate you and make you want to cry your eyes out. It's honestly inevitable and I cannot fathom that fact. The one thing you can do about all this though is to stay positive; which unfortunately is easier said than done. With so many demons and devils running around ramped I wonder how it is even possible to be obnoxiously upbeat all the time. Developing a thick skin and turning a cheek isn't always the simplest thing and in the end you're gonna spend a whole ton of nights crying because someone did you wrong. I guess you must hope for the best and send a clear message to all those demonic beings. There are few people who are always gonna give you the hundred percent that you should be receiving. Hopefully you'll be able to see who is actually genuine.

Forget each and every one of the people who talked behind your back, who couldn't reciprocate, didn't admit how they felt and didn't acknowledge how you felt. Forget the person who kept you up late crying, who left you feeling alone and who left you thinking: "What's the point?"

I know better than to think any of those people are worth it. No one demon is worth it, even if sometimes they get the better of you.


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