
Showing posts from February, 2014


Dreamland My dreams last night took me to another land For every second I held your beautiful hand I begged and I pleaded "Don't leave me here alone" But when I woke up I was on my own  Like always you were far away  But every moment in my heart you stay - Nicole Lambe 

Old Journal Entry #1

"Sometimes I wonder if I'm just like young James Gatz and you're my holy grail. You have to have hope I think, something is bound to happen when you have hope, even if there isn't much to be found."


"All truly wicked things start from innocence"  ~Ernest Hemingway I recently realized that a whole chunk of my blogs are extremely positive when in reality there is a lot more wrong than there is right. Knowing that majority of the time when you put your faith in someone they disappoint you, I want to scream to the heavens and say why? Truth is though a lot of people are going to kick you, punch you, hurt you, hate you and make you want to cry your eyes out. It's honestly inevitable and I cannot fathom that fact. The one thing you can do about all this though is to stay positive; which unfortunately is easier said than done. With so many demons and devils running around ramped I wonder how it is even possible to be obnoxiously upbeat all the time. Developing a thick skin and turning a cheek isn't always the simplest thing and in the end you're gonna spend a whole ton of nights crying because someone did you wrong. I guess you must hope for the best and send a

Small Thought of Today

I've decided to take a leap of fate today and I am so extremely excited about getting on this path. No matter what the outcome I'm so happy that I have some of the most lovely people behind me inspiring, loving and believing in my every written word. The composition I'm working on right now is being held so dear to my soul and I have no words to explain the importance of it's meaning.

Expecting and Realizing

“Love her, love her, love her! If she favours you, love her. If she wounds you, love her. If she tears your heart to pieces and as it gets older and stronger, it will tear deeper—love her, love her, love her!”     ~Charles Dickens, Great Expectations            One thing I hate to hear from people is their pleas for man to not have expectations. By doing so, there is a complete contradiction to our entire human nature. As beings, we are subjected to feel and preventing that makes us completely inhumane. We need expectations of people, this helps us divulge into the proper relationships we want in our lives. Expectations are in place to show one who can make them happy. When we expect less of people, we are still hurt when they meet those expectations and we rejoice when they are surpassed because that is what we really want from that person. We shouldn’t rely on other people necessarily but how can we even help that? Nobody wants to be alone and we need conne