
Another year, come and past, has brought me back to this date: December 23rd. Two years ago I took the advice of my grade nine English teacher and took into consideration the words she uttered to me when I was 14. Nicole, you should really publish what you have to say about things, maybe on a blog? Sure enough, it took some time, but here I am celebrating not only another year as a blogger, but two years of expression and finding meaning. I'm not a timely person, I don't write on a schedule (though I'd like to) and I do try my very best to keep it interesting, but what matters the most is that I do it. Regardless of who reads, who enjoys, who is spoken to in my words, I am so thankful that I picked up the pen, so to speak, two years ago today. This blog is my never ending novel, a collection of short stories, a cluster of poems, a review page; my rock when I need it most.

Two years ago on this day I remember sitting at the computer in front of the read count gaping at the twenty readers I received, then somewhere along the line that number grew and I started looking at hundreds and even thousands. It is crazy how different I am and how long ago that feels, but I'm glad this has been a constant. From posting about weird little things like how lipstick colour made me feel fierce to how emotional I was when I started university, I can't believe anyone ever cared about what I've ever had to say. As an English major, writer and fiction junkie, it contributes to the passion. So thank you for being there, being present, whenever I needed to oust some words.


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