We've Only Got Half the Time (An Ode to High School, Part 2)

Tick, tick, tick. 

The last few months have been a big eye opener to myself; the concept of time has been one that has always fascinated me, thus, I have always attempted to have a good grasp on what it means to humanity. But until now, I don't think I've really been in awe of it's true meaning

So, what is time? Well, in retrospect to this year, time is something that we really can't get enough of. The clock seems to be moving fast this year— like a car rushing by on the highway. Exam round one has come, and gone, at the speed of light and I think that is absolutely exhilarating and terrifying. I have wished on an infinite number of stars for due dates to be later, for moments to never end and for God to let me stay in the bliss of a friday night for eternity, the thing about time is we cannot change that we only have so much of it left, in high school that is. 

For the rest of the time we have left, I would hope we all plan on spending it in similar ways; making the most of it all. This next semester is going to consist of slaving for grades and praying for the future, the only difference from that first day in September is now, we've only got half the time. We've grown as people to this day, and now we're sitting here, half way to the finish line wishing for more— for more time. 


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