
Showing posts from December, 2014

My Top Reads in 2014

Without a doubt finding time to divulge into a novel is one of my greatest struggles every year. Between work, school, family/friends and all the crazy things that tend to come about, reading, though it is one of my favourite things to do, finding the time can seem near to impossible. It does, however, keep me sane; it teaches me things and allows me to further myself not only as a writer, but as a person as well. This year I've read some of the most amazing books. Links to purchase them will be available by simply clicking the title of the book. So, without further ado, here are the top 10 novels I read this year.  Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green & David Leviathan Challenging the norms of society is this dual narrated book by the famous John Green and David Leviathan. Two boys with the same name, meet in a store and their lives begin to intertwine in all sorts of ways. Not only is it an abundance of laughs but it was so heartwarming that

Expression (A Tribute to my One Year as a Blogger)

As of yesterday, this blog is exactly 365 days old. To most, this little freeze frame in time means very little, leaving it insignificant in the madness of life. But to me, this day marks one year of self expression, a year of indulgences into my sub conscious and letting the words that inspire me most flow through my very fingertips onto the paper. This blog, though showcases (hopefully) my ability to write, is a form of free expression that is mainly an outlet for me and my emotions and quite frankly, that is one of the most important things for a person, in my opinion. The ability to express ones self is crucial in this crazy world. So, be it painting, dancing, getting on that field for a game or whatever the case may be, express yourself in any way you know how. Expression can be some of the most beautiful art created by man, no matter what the form and I am truly thankful that I have found my way of creating that art. Stay lovely my readers!

Dreaming (An Ode to High School, Part 1)

“People think dreams aren't real just because they aren't made of matter, of particles. Dreams are real. But they are made of viewpoints, of images, of memories and puns and lost hopes.”    ― Neil Gaiman      It all started with a four year old child walking timidly through the doors of their first classroom. It ends with an older self slowly walking the stage, shaking hands and receiving a paper they have been working for since their young years. After the end, begins a madness of working for a dream.  Grade twelve, the final year, the last stretch and an infinite question: "what will be?" For some, they have been dreaming about the years to come for quite some time. For others, racing to submit applications to college and university have only made them a whirlwind more anxious than they were prior to this time period. Regardless, we are all dreaming about this future that is ahead, whether we are nervously or happily awaiting it's arrival.  A