
Look back, breathe, it's all different now. As time progresses and we grow in our many ways, change is inevitable. I haven't decided if that's okay. Time has been passing at an awful quick rate and when you stop for a moment and ask yourself "where was I three months ago?" you really see where the time has flown away. The imminent truth, poems have been written, songs have been sung and darling, I am no where to be found where I thought I would be. And again, I haven't decided if that's okay. As hard as I try to hide, change creeps up on you hauntingly, sometimes it greets you like an old friend and sometimes it brings unexpected fulfilment but at the end of the day all you can really do is stop worrying about it.

While I float around this realm bound by the body I am inhabitant of, one of the most valuable things I can hold on to is to let it be. People are going to disappoint you and not be the person they promised to be. But that's okay. They're not going to mean what they say, even when you did. But that's okay. Someone's going to make you really happy for a split second, maybe even longer; it's going to be unexpected. That too, it's okay. You're going to surprise yourself.  

I guess that means that change is okay, let the chips fall where they may and breathe. It's all okay. Things change and you can't always blame someone for human nature. 

It's okay.


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