
Showing posts from August, 2014

Glass and The Book

A long while back, I wrote two short stories (both at different times). I guess I find inspiration in hardships, tears and upsets but I do write happy things as well, I promise. It is just time to let these two out onto my lovely blog, and post something happy and upbeat again. I think expressing yourself is extremely important and I'm glad I've always had writing to do so. Symbols and metaphors are literally some of the most wonderful coping methods, even if only I understand them. These are dedicated to the people I asked to read the first drafts and never did, thanks for everything. ------------------------ Glass             Raining outside, she walked into the cafĂ© he had taken her to all those years ago to meet his family.   Glancing around at the beautiful mahogany tables, warm ambience and the colourful customers she placed her order, found that little booth by the fireplace and then sat sipping her coffee silently as the rain fell outside. She loved the feel o


Well, yet another birthday is rolling around and that always gives me such a great opportunity to tell you how much you mean to me. As friends, we have been through it all together, and really, there is no one else I'd rather have by my side. Through it all,  I'm extremely grateful to know that I have someone in my life that will be there for me through thick and thin. That being said, my beautiful friend, I would like to wish you one of the most amazing birthdays, much like I hope many more to come will be. So many more exciting things are coming our way and they are going to be beautiful to witness together, with Ale and everyone.  You're already flourishing into such an admirable woman and every day you make me so proud. I love you with all my heart.